CeRiTe TnTg Aq

My photo
pOnTiAn, jOhOrE, Malaysia
aq??? cpew aq.. aq adalh aq.. mcm ne kowg knl aq mcm 2 lew aq.. aq neh gler itet.. sengal pown de.. nsib kowg lew dpt mmbe mcm aq neh... sba lew bebyk.. huhuhu... =p

mA fWeNdS

Sunday, April 26, 2009


arni xdew wat papew...

just dok uma...
n titow jp g...
tp de r wat ISP jp td..
wat itet2 coz sok da nk kne anta chapter2 kt mdm...
dea sowh anta sok..
xtaw r aq wat toi kew x...
xdew idea nk msok kn pew g...
sume y aq nk mcm xdew jew...
skit aty toi...

pew nk wat skunk erk...
bucn jew...
nk tgok brite pown mls..
nk mnaip ni pown mls....
huk3x... =p
k r..
nk mreht kn otk jp...
ps2 nk smbg wat ISP lik...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

TaGgEd QuEsTiOnS...

~Has anyone ever given you roses?
nope... lom pnh g pown... huhuhu....
~Who do you text the most?
ma mucuk r... dea jew y rjin mcg aq... owg laen kekdg jew...
~How do you make your money?
from ma mum n dad.. wet mara n kekdang dr dak mucuk... heee.... :D
~First person to text today?
dak mucuk.. dok tny da agn kew blom... huhuu....
~What is your favourite colour?
purple.. i like purple... heee....
~Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?
xskew pkai pown sbb 2 dlu skew cgt dok seat blakg.. skunk dok blakg pown dh kne pakai gak... terpkse lew... tp kbyk kn nyer xpakai pown seatbelt neh... time llu tmpt2 y agk2 de polis jew bru pkai.. pas2 bukak lik.. huhuhu... =p 
~What color are your eyes?
nth.. coklat kowt.... xpasan lak.. haha...
~What is a compliment you receive often?
lps midterm nk kne ciap kn asgnmnt y mlmbak neh... bln dpn sume da nk kne anta... uwaaaaaaaa.....
~How tall are you?
huhuhuhu... ktew xbpew nk tggi r... mlu nk ckp... huahahaha....
~Who was the last person to say they loved you ?
dak mucuk kt mcg... wish sblom dea titow td.... huhuhu... =p
~Do you like your parents?
tn2 lew.... law dowg xdew dr mne lak ktew neh wujud... i love ma parents.... muahkz... :-*
~Do you secretly like someone?
hehehe.... yups.... tp just skew2 mcm 2 jew lew... xdew niat nk wat clon bf pown.. huhuhu....
~How does your last relationship end?
no komen... mls mao igt.... tp lew... skunk sy de pggnti lebey baek dr y dlu.... cayunk kmu.... heee.... :)
~Who was the last person you said you love on the phone?
ma mucuk... wek... =p
~Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep?
both... hahaha...
~Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
nth.. xtao lew.... 2,2 skali kowt.... huhuhu....
~How long does it takes for you to shower?
1/2 jm jew slalu.... wat pew lelme... law bsuh bju skali 2 lme r gak lam blik ayq 2.... huhuhu....
~Are you flexible??
nth... p lew tny owg y rpt ngn aq... cmno den neh... aq pown xpasan aq neh cmno... hihihi... :D
~Was your mom there?
nope... ma mum kt kg.... nga cdp mmpi da kowt.. dakol bpew da neh... huk3x.... windu bgt deh... hurmmm...
~Can you speak any other language than English?
blh... mlayu, jawe n laen2 bhse.. tp itet2 jew.... 2 pown blajo kt tb jew... hihihi... :D
~What is the last letter of your middle name?
A kowt... hahaha... =p
~How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
nth.. xterkire... besh bgt titow smlm... hihihi... 
~What time did you wake up?
nth.. xpsan plk kol bpew td.. taw2 jew da trg da kt lua 2... haha...
~Do any of your close friends have kids?
Nope... y da kwen pown lom g.. cmno nk pat ank...?? huhuhu... =p
~Do you know anyone who is pregnant right now?
nth.. xdew kowt.... huhu...
~How many years older or younger than you are you willing to date?
staon or due jew kowt.... huhuhuu...tue cgt xbest.. mude cgt pown xpatut... t owg ckp mcm da xdew clon laen lak an nk mek jdik pasgn... huhuhu....
~What brand are your favorite jeans you own?
nth.. aq g skew law bnde 2 slese d pkai... mls nk tgok brand2 cgt deh.... 
~What is the closest red object to you?
riben kt uchi y mucuk (ma teddy)... xbsa2 dea.. mcm 2 jew... hahaha...
~Do you look more like your mom or dad?
nth lew... xtao nk ckp cmno.... half2 kowt... huhuhu...
~Do you have an iPod or Mp3 player?
xdew.. hp jew y mmpu.. huhuh...
~If someone doesnt like you its probably because:
lntk dea lew... xksh pown.. y pntg dea xkco aq.. aq xkco dea.. huhu...
~Who was the last person in your bedroom?
erm..... kteowg ber3.... aq, cik zaty n pika... huhuh...
~What are your plans for this weekend?
xdew wat pew.. just dok uma mmbso kn bdn aq jew.. cpew nk join.. meh lew... huhuh.... =p
~Have you ever crawled through a window?
huhuhu... wat kt tgkt 4 neh... gayat ma.... kjew gler 2... huhuhu....
~Do you lose your keys often?
xdew plk.... xtao lew pas neh kowt2 ilg kew... huhuh.... 
~How many keys are on your keychain?
kt keychain byk knci.. tp y aq slalu bwk 1 knci jew.. coz knci 2 knci serbe gune... uma den n pn2 blik den ley bkak pkai knci 2... huhuhu...
~Do you sing in the shower?
nope.. xnah g wat kjew gler cm2... heeee.. :D
Are you close with your parents?
What's your favorite thing to eat?
nth.. xtao lew... tomyam kowt... heee..
~Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
tgok lew law rjin nk gtaw y btol... huk3x...
~Where were you last night?
kt uma lew... kt ne g....
~What is today's date?
~What time is it now?
00.41 a.m
~Who was the last person to call you baby/babe?
dak mucuk... mse aq mjuk ngn dea ari2... huhu....
~Anyone crushing on you?
~What is your relationship status?
~Has anyone ever sang to you?
~Are you scared of flying?
yups.. gayat ma... huhuhu..
~What do you sleep in?
papew y aq rs slese nk pkai lew... cibuk lak nk taw... huh...
~Who was the last person you kissed?
who??? xkn neh pown nk gtaw kowt... huh...
~Do you like funny people or serious people?
ikot keadaan... tp g skew y funny lorh...
~What are you listening to?
tb nga dok mmbebel.. nth ctew pew nth memekak dr td... haha...
~Where are you right now?
kt ats tilam kt dpn tb.... npew??
~Are you bored?
yups.. lg bucn wat survey neh... mrapik jew... huhuh.. nk wat cmno.. nk isik mse lpg sblom den titow... lyn kn jew lew... huk3x...
~What day is today?
~Are you happy?
blh r thn... tp lg byk bucn dr epy...
~Do you have a lot of friends?
~Are you close with them?
xsume... de y rpt... de y just fwen... tp still fwen g an??
~Who do you tell everything to?
xdew cpew.. cume aq jew y taw sume... y laen taw itet2 jew... wat pew lew nk gatw sume kt owg.. nth papew...
~Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
yups.... dak mucuk.... :D
~Do you miss being a kid?
yups.... mse bdk2 lew mse y pling besh pnh aq rse... huhuh...
~Who was the last person to call you?
dak mucuk...
~Who was the last person to text you?
dak mucuk gak... dea mao titon...
~Have you ever cheated?
heheh.... pnh jew... npew?? de msalh??
~Have you ever been cheated on?
ermmm... rse nyer stiap owg pnh kne tpu an... wat pew nk tny lak.. huh...
~Would you ever cheat?
yups.. tok kebaik kn.. ley an3??
~will you be with your friends this weekend?
yups... ngn dak2 neh jew lew... b'3 dok uma... huhuh...
~Does that person know a lot about you?
cpew y ko mksd kn??? law kwn2 aq rse nyer taw kowt byk pasai aq... huk3x... shhhh.....
Do you wish you were somewhere else?
mao lik kg... da lme xlik kg... huhuh...
Are you a nice person?
hahaha... nth lew... nakal lebey kowt.. huhuh... =p
Do people like you?
ye kowt... tp xsume owg skew kt ktew... redha jew lew...
Are you getting bored of this survey?
ley thn lew... pesl byk lak soklan neh.... mls toi mao jwb.. huhuh...
Do you think anyone will do this survey?
mybe kowt... cpew y agk2 bucn mcm aq neh tn2 wat kowt.... slamt mncube... :D

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


bestnyer da bes exm...
lege itet..
just nk tggu result jew t...
xaw r ok kew x..
mntk2 r ok...

mse pas lik exm td p kdai p li brg jp...
then lepk kt admin jp coz pnt bjaln...
kteowg smpt tgok wayng jp td smbil mkn popcorn...
lyn cik pika lew..
klaka pown de gak td...
dok tgok wayng mknusie2 kt klej neh..
byk toi ragamnyer...
lpas pnt dok tgok wyg..
kteowg pown agkt kaki lik uma...

SuKaN @ KeKaSiH...??

knape llki lbih pntg kn sukn dr awekz dea sndri???
bler ktew sowh tmn dea mse dea nk p maen bola or papew y b'kaitan ngn sukan dowg lbih rele tggl kn ktew mcm 2 jew an...
mcm2 alsn dea bg tok lik cpt wlupown mse 2 dea ngn ktew...
ktew nk bes mse ngn dea skali skale pown xley..
bukn xbg dea nk b'sukn kew pew...
xkn lew nk abskn mse ptg2 cecme pown xley kowt...
ye lew...
hakikatnyer sukn lg pntg dr awekz sndri..

Monday, April 20, 2009

TaGgEd QuEsTiOn...~~

Okay, here's the rule :

Use Google Image to search the answer to the questions below. then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. after that tag 7 people.


** heeeeeeee...... xtao r nk ckp pew... pic neh jew y rse ok.... hope bufday taon neh pnoh ngn kegembiraan, love n fun.... heeeeeee...... :D


**huhuhuh... romantiknyer law pat bercuti kt pulau2 or kawasan berpantai... heeee.... :D


**owg ckp ujn emas d negeri owg ujn batu d negeri sndri.. heee... :)


**mkn maknn y cihat mengikot diet y seimbang... hahahaha....


**uchi n dak mucuk... luv ma teddy..... :*


**peace... (^_^)v


**i love purple....


**i luv ma family very much.. tnp dowg cpew lew aq kt dunie neh....

9. My Hobby

**titow adalah 1 nikmat y ktew xpat nk gmbr kn ngn kte2... hik3x... :D


**nyum3x... cedap... heeeeeee.... :D

11. My Wish

** aq law ley nk jdik IR y b'jaye.... :)

7 people i tagged:

cik zaty... (da wat da)
eka pika..

cik khairani...
4-7 cecpew jew lew y rjin wat... heeee... :D

Cinta Laura / Novi M. Umar
You say aku

You say AQ, seperti Barbie
You look so pretty, menarik hati
You say AQ, layaknya peri
Tebarkan cinta diatas bumi

Baby please.. please..
Don’t play on me
Baby please.. please..
Love me, love me

*Beibeh beibeh my beibeh
You drive me crazy

Beibeh beibeh my beibeh
My heart is beating honey

Beibeh beibeh my beibeh
Oh please say love me

Beibeh beibeh my beibeh

You say aku seperti puteri
yang kau cari selama ini


Beibeh beibeh my beibeh
You drive me crazy

Beibeh beibeh my beibeh

Halo.. Yes!!

**wat mse neh lgu neh aq rse mcm best lak.. kgu neh lgu theme tok cter upik abu n laura.. cpew y tgok ctew neh dea taw lew lgu neh kowt.. huhuhu.... (^_^)v

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

aRi Y M'CaBaR....

ley d ktekn arini kire ari y xbpew nk baek tok kua uma..
sng citer ari mlg sekaum lew...
mne xnyer...
td ms otw nk p apppoinment byk kli gak r kteowg nyaris2 nk t'excidnt...
sume gare2 pemandu y xbpew nk b'hemah ketike memndu knderaan dowg...

y pling xley nk lpew mse kt bkit mntin td...
da lew selekoh...
de lori dr arh b'tntgn kteowg neh nk memotg...
dea da nmpk kowt kete y kteowg naek 2 da dkt...
mkin lju lak dea, bkn nk bg kteowg lps lu...
maen potong jew...
da r jln kt c2 blh d kire kn smpit gak r...
sab baek paan dpt elak...
lau x da slamt lew kteog cium lori 2..
xpown slamt minum ayq parit...
mmg cuak gler r mse 2....

da lew 2...
lik dr appoinmnt lak igt nk r mkn kenyg2 coz da lpa...
p lew kt 1 kdai neh...
kteowg memsing order lew pew y nk d mkn...
dea pny bekas mknn bkn maen gem lg..
cre dea hias pown rs terluir r...
tp syg..
bab rs dea sggh m'hmpekn...
mkn srupew xmkn jew rs..
tetibe jew jdik knyg smacm (bukn pew, knyg coz byk mnum ayq...)
dea pny rs mmg sdp gler cmpy rs xmo nk p kt c2 g jew...
da lew 2..
bab kteowg nk mkn jew..
dgn tetibe byk gler lalat y menyerbu...
gler r..
mmg potg tros r slere...
serik den nk mkn kt c2 lg...
2 lew..
mak ckp mkn kt uma jew..
mck sndri..
dgil cgt..
kn da mmbzir mcm 2...
da lew nga kekeringan wet neh..

Saturday, April 11, 2009

sKiT aTy....

xley kew law ktew phm bhse iket...
bler de owg ckp kt ktew jgn..
ktew jgn lew wat g bnd 2....
npew xdga ckp...
bler da mara, da mls nk ckp, da syp..
bru dok tny npew..
ok kew x...

npew xley nk phm bhs aty y cbe d smpy kn....
syum x b'erti skew...
syum x b'erti x srius...
snyum x b'erti x mek ksh pew y d wat...
snyum x b'erti pew y ktew ckp 2 just sj jew nk memaen...
tlg lew phm pew y tersirt d sbalik nyer.... :(

Thursday, April 9, 2009

EpY aNniVeRsArY...

arini genap 6 bulan kteowg couple...
mcm xcye jew aq ley thn cmpy 6 bln....
mntk2 lew ley tthn lbeh lme dr 2...
hope kowg doa kn la yer...
amin... :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

HaRi MeNgEmAs UmA sEdUNiE...

arini den kms uma neh...
nmpk mcm da srabut cgt..
2 pasai lew kms...
bersih iket den tgok uma neh...
lpang rsenyer..

lps kms uma lak..
dak khai ajk maen badminton..
p lew maen...
gler besh...
den mng 3,3 gme...
dowg suume klh...
lg2 maen ngn cik zaty 15-3...
klah free jew dea 2...
teror gak eh den maen bdminton...

pas maen bdminton lak den kne mck...
sab bik lew mck nsik grg jew...
xdew lew ssh cgt...
arini de psa...
p psa jp li ayq ngn mknn smpingan y ley d mkn ngn nsik grg y den mck td...
pas 2 dok lpk mkn bwh blok...

lege deh pat mkn...
knyg gler...
tp still haus ngn ayq...
rs cm nk p psa lik tok li ayq jew...
sab bik lew da kekenyangn n kmalasan tok bjalan...
lau x da lme ayq kt psa 2 bes den borong...

bler da knyg2 neh...
mte pown rs nantok jew r an...
jom titon jom...
sok den de cls pg...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

poNtEnG cLaSs...

pg td aq xp pown cls sir jhonny 2...
takot kne bebl pny pasai coz aq xwat dea pny kje..
bkn xmo wat..
cme xbpew nk phm pew y dea nk sbnr nyer...
lg pown..
bhs dea ssh iket nk phm..

aq igt aq sowg jew y xp class..
upe2 nyer rmai g dak class aq y xp td...
da tlnjur xp cls...
mmbe den ajk r p anta surt kt JPS...
tok nk wat appoinmnt 4 kteowg pny ISP...
p pown kol bpew td..
smpy jew kt serembn 2 tu dea pny pjabat ttp lew plk..
nk xnk kne r anta sok coz ptg kteog de cls...
sab bik aq smpt cmpy class..
2 pown lmbt itet r...

ptg2 mcm neh besh toi lau pat titow...
tgok cik zaty titow nyenyak toi...
dr aq lik p seremban cmpy aq lik dr class dea still xagn2 g...
titow mti kew pew...
huhuhu... =p

rode impian da mule...
den nk p tgok r...

Monday, April 6, 2009


aq bru jew iap mck..
arini just mck nsik grg jew...
mls nk mck cdp2 (sebena nyer bajet xbpew nk ckop.. :D)
ni nga dok tggu cik abe dtg...
kteowg slalu mam kt bwh blok cecme...
cm2 lew rutin harian aq..
kekadg dea mck tok aq...

lmbt toi nk kol 9...
den da lpo da neh...
aq ciap mck pat pown xgne..
dea nk gak dtg kol 9...
babp dak sowg 2 taw r...
xaw kew den da kebuluq...

tb plk xdew cter besh....
asik berite jew...
brite xabs2 pasai politik jew..
mls den nk tgok..

k r..
nk ciap2 p mam...


da kol 6 lebey da..
jp g nk kne mck..
pnt toi ari neh..
cls ley thn pnoh gak r..
sab bik 1 clas arini lect xdew...
tp kne gnti ari rabu lak...
kol 8-9 jew plk 2...
mls toi nk agn papg neh...

jp td aq tgok rode impian...
aq lwn r ngn cik zaty cpew y pling byk pat jwp soklan 2...
ternyate aq ld teror dr dea..
sng2 jew aq klh kn dea...
besh3x... :D

Saturday, April 4, 2009

kEbOsAnAn MeLAnDe

ari mggu y mmbosankn...
xdew p kua memne pown..
just dok uma jew...
lg tmbh bucn aq kne tggl sowg2 kt uma..
cik zaty da p date ngn abe cayunk dea..
dea ckp nk p tgok wyg...
tggl lew aq sowg2 kt uma neh...

pew nk wat erk...
xkn mao titon 1 ari neh...
nk jln bajet sudh lri jaoh meninggl kn aq kt cni..
terlebey sdh...

k lew...
nk p tgok movie r....
xpown dok maen game jew arini...

fast n furious 4

arini den p tgok wyang..
ctew fast n furiuos 4...
memule xrncg pown nk p tgok...
pas2 dak 2 heboh ajk p coz mmbe2 dea pown p gak...

dea ckp nk support sume an...
so p jew lew...

besh gak tgok ctew 2...
lg2 tgok kete dowg y gmpk2 2...
tp part xbesh nyer tket da tggl had dpn jew...
y laen sume da pnoh da...
xmo mcm skit plk kn leher den tgok ctew 2...
tp xpew lew..
puas aty beb...

cecpew y lom tgok ctew 2..
pakat2 lew tgok rermai noh...
adios amigos....

cUbE tRy TeSt

bru nk cube b'jinak2 ngn blog neh...
tgok mcm besh jew...
ley nk luah kn prasaan n pew y ktew nk tlis kt cni...
so pd u all sume...
sudi2 lew bce pew y t'tulis kt blog aq neh...
peace no war... (^_^)v